While courses are conducted with different groups as requested the major focus of the School is on parish evangelisation through the Parish Evangelisation Formation Program (PEFP).
Parish Evangelisation Formation Program
The PEFP is an intense program conducted in a parish over approximately two years with the aim of establishing a Parish Evangelisation Community (PEC). This PEC would have the aim of helping the parish to develop a mission mentality so that all aspects of parish life, and the life of each parishioner, would have a missionary focus. This does not necessarily involve doing anything new in the parish but of co-ordinating what is already happening within this missionary vision.
Establishing a Parish Evangelisation Community
There are four steps to establishing a PEC.
- Identify a group of parishioners who are interested in what the School has to offer.
- A visiting Team comes into the Parish to conduct the basic courses (Philip - New Life, John the Beloved, and other courses appropriate to the needs of the Parish) for this group and any other interested parishioners.
- As the courses are presented a Parish Evangelisation Community develops from the course participants. This PEC consists of a core of parishioners who share a vision for and commitment to active parish evangelisation.
- This PEC then continues to conduct evangelisation outreach within the parish and is trained to conduct the courses for other parishioners. The National/Diocesan School provides ongoing support and oversees the integrity of the course content.
Evangelisation with the Holy Spirit
These Parish Evangelisation Communities would, through the power of the Holy Spirit, gradually change the mentality of a parish so that evangelisation would be an integral part of everything a parish does. Every parishioner would live evangelisation as a natural part of being a disciple. The parish would reach out to those who don’t know Jesus as each parishioner uses his/her gifts to evangelise in their own environment, in their own particular style within an evangelising community.
Will vary according to course and parish requirements.